Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 4/5

It was awesome to see so many R9 students and their whanau at the Mahi Tahi Kai Tahi event on Thursday. Thanks to TOA (Tai's dad and Jordy's mum are both part of this group) for organising! The food was delicious - Miss Chapman tried creamed paua for the first time and loved it - hmmm I wonder if we can get the recipe?! It was also cool to catch up with parents and meet some of their extended whanau - Mrs Singh even brought her mum and dad! I hope we have lots more of these events in the future - maybe next time Room 9 could make something yummy to bring along.

Well, there are only 4 more weeks left of the year and we still have heaps to do - finish up learning about fractions and move on to our 'time' unit for maths, keep learning all about NZ Geography and Kiwiana, not to mention all the reading and writing we want to get done!

Have a great week!

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