Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 4/5

It was awesome to see so many R9 students and their whanau at the Mahi Tahi Kai Tahi event on Thursday. Thanks to TOA (Tai's dad and Jordy's mum are both part of this group) for organising! The food was delicious - Miss Chapman tried creamed paua for the first time and loved it - hmmm I wonder if we can get the recipe?! It was also cool to catch up with parents and meet some of their extended whanau - Mrs Singh even brought her mum and dad! I hope we have lots more of these events in the future - maybe next time Room 9 could make something yummy to bring along.

Well, there are only 4 more weeks left of the year and we still have heaps to do - finish up learning about fractions and move on to our 'time' unit for maths, keep learning all about NZ Geography and Kiwiana, not to mention all the reading and writing we want to get done!

Have a great week!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mud Sliding

The Great Adventure of Mud-sliding by Sara Blezard

On Tuesday the 1st of November we went mud sliding. The teacher told us to get our stuff and get changed in Room 13. We got our bags and our stuff and went to Room 13. We got changed and then we had to leave our clothes there. We lined up at the door and waited for our teacher. We started walking to Henley Lake in two lines. We eventually got to the observation tower. We got out our lunch from our bags and started eating it. We got to go to the top of the observation tower class by class. The teacher told us to put our lunch away and start walking so we did. We walked for a while then we got to the big sports bowl and put our bags down, then the girls lined up for the mud slide. We had dishwashing liquid and water, we put lots of water down and the dishwashing liquid too. We started sliding down. It started to get really muddy. We got covered in mud - I looked like a big brown muddy bear! It was funny. Everyone looked so wierd. Then it was the boys turn and I went in the river. It was so muddy. It felt like the sand was sinking. I then realised it was! I started laughing, everyone else did too. It was funny. We all started laughing and then she said it was time to start heading back. We got our stuff and walked back. We walked back for a while but we got to school. We got changed out of our muddy clothes back into our uniform and went home.

Mud Sliding by Mila Te Whare Manson

Yesterday the Junior Middles went mud sliding at Henley Lake.
The first thing that we did was get into our spare clothes so that our uniform didn't get dirty and sticky. Next thing is lining up to leave to go to Henley Lake. The class who lead the way was Miss O'Neale's class. It was long and Olivia got a rash from running in the grass because she is allergic to grass. Then the fun began. Miss O'Neale, Mrs Singh and kids were helping put the slide up. When kids went down the mud slide they had to run to make it muddy. After we had finished we packed up and went back to school.