Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 4

Week 4 or Term 1 has been one none of us will ever forget. Room 9 has been shocked and saddened by the tragedy in Christchurch. Going about our usual routines seems somewhat trivial in the midst of such a disaster. It is important that we talk about these events as much as possible, and think of ways that we can help. Whilst we continue to learn and have fun at school, we remember the thousands of children in Christchurch whose lives have been turned upside down, and who may not be at school for some time. It was heart-warming to hear that Rathkeale College is taking in a number of students from Christs College for several weeks so that they do not miss out on so much school. Our school is certainly considering what we can do to help also.

The earthquake should also serve as a wake-up call to us - we also live in an area where earthquakes are common. Are you and your whanau prepared should one happen? I encourage you to check out - it has all the information you need to get prepared.

On a brighter note, it was great to meet some parents at our 'open classroom' afternoon. If you were unable to make it, please know you are welcome to drop in anytime. In week 5 we are looking forward to swimming sports - the Junior Middles have been practising hard over the last few weeks and I'm sure all the effort will pay off on the pool. Swimming sports are on Thursday at 11am - we would love to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to all those parents and caregivers who came in to meet Miss Chapman on Thursday afternoon. A school / home partnership is one of the most important factors in ensuring education success for children at school.

    Mr Nelson
