Sunday, February 20, 2011

2011 is well underway!

Wow, we have been so busy learning and having fun that we have forgotten to update our blog!
So, welcome to Room 9's blog for 2011. We are a Year 3/4 class with 9 girls and 15 boys.

So far this year we have been focusing on 'Working and Learning Together'.

We made 'Co-operative Kids' - to create them we had to work in co-operative groups. Everyone had a different role like 'Hair Stylist' or 'Colour Co-oridantor'. We brainstormed together but then each member made the final decisions for their job. We sketched in our ideas, then went to the art room to paint them. Finally, we used a vivid to go over the outlines, cut them out and made a name label for them. Miss Chapman put them up on the wall as a reminder of how we worked as a team.

Here are some photos of us working together to create the kids:

Here is the final result!

A reminder that on Thursday there will be an 'open classroom'. This is an oppourtunity for parents and whanau to see for themselves what we are learning about in class. Our self-portraits are a must-see!

Have a great week!


  1. What an awesome piece of art! Great work Room 9.

    Mr Nelson

  2. hi bayley here. What you doing
