Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 6

This week we had athletics on Thursday the 1st of December. We had to do high jump, long jump, vortex and shot put. I got 1st place in high jump! It was so fun.

By Elyse Paku-Kerr

This week I have been kind to a lot of people. I have been helpful. I have done a lot of work this week and I got every question right. We did athletics, the first one we did was high jump, then vortex, shot put, long jump and sprints. I was one of the running stars, I came second place.

By Max Smith

On Thursday 1st of December we had athletics day. We did sprints, high jump, long jump, vortex and shot put. I had an injured leg and I did all of them.

On Wednesday I got excited because it was one of my best friends' Matthew's birthday. We were going to Cobb 'n' Co and I was going to bring one of the latest games out MODERN WARFARE :) but I can't.

Today we are going to watch The Witches.

By Taiawhio Gemmell

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 4/5

It was awesome to see so many R9 students and their whanau at the Mahi Tahi Kai Tahi event on Thursday. Thanks to TOA (Tai's dad and Jordy's mum are both part of this group) for organising! The food was delicious - Miss Chapman tried creamed paua for the first time and loved it - hmmm I wonder if we can get the recipe?! It was also cool to catch up with parents and meet some of their extended whanau - Mrs Singh even brought her mum and dad! I hope we have lots more of these events in the future - maybe next time Room 9 could make something yummy to bring along.

Well, there are only 4 more weeks left of the year and we still have heaps to do - finish up learning about fractions and move on to our 'time' unit for maths, keep learning all about NZ Geography and Kiwiana, not to mention all the reading and writing we want to get done!

Have a great week!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mud Sliding

The Great Adventure of Mud-sliding by Sara Blezard

On Tuesday the 1st of November we went mud sliding. The teacher told us to get our stuff and get changed in Room 13. We got our bags and our stuff and went to Room 13. We got changed and then we had to leave our clothes there. We lined up at the door and waited for our teacher. We started walking to Henley Lake in two lines. We eventually got to the observation tower. We got out our lunch from our bags and started eating it. We got to go to the top of the observation tower class by class. The teacher told us to put our lunch away and start walking so we did. We walked for a while then we got to the big sports bowl and put our bags down, then the girls lined up for the mud slide. We had dishwashing liquid and water, we put lots of water down and the dishwashing liquid too. We started sliding down. It started to get really muddy. We got covered in mud - I looked like a big brown muddy bear! It was funny. Everyone looked so wierd. Then it was the boys turn and I went in the river. It was so muddy. It felt like the sand was sinking. I then realised it was! I started laughing, everyone else did too. It was funny. We all started laughing and then she said it was time to start heading back. We got our stuff and walked back. We walked back for a while but we got to school. We got changed out of our muddy clothes back into our uniform and went home.

Mud Sliding by Mila Te Whare Manson

Yesterday the Junior Middles went mud sliding at Henley Lake.
The first thing that we did was get into our spare clothes so that our uniform didn't get dirty and sticky. Next thing is lining up to leave to go to Henley Lake. The class who lead the way was Miss O'Neale's class. It was long and Olivia got a rash from running in the grass because she is allergic to grass. Then the fun began. Miss O'Neale, Mrs Singh and kids were helping put the slide up. When kids went down the mud slide they had to run to make it muddy. After we had finished we packed up and went back to school.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4! It is going to be a shorter term than usual, so will be be busy trying to fit in all our learning and fun! Today the Junior Middles went to watch some of the Battle of the Bands. It was really cool to see some of the other schools perform, but of course the Lakeview band Social Network were AMAZING! Congrats from Room 9 to all those involved in the band and a big pat on the back for Pip for organising the WHOLE event.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trip to the Recycling Centre

As part of our topic "Why waste: Is that rubbish?" the Junior Middles visited the Masterton Recycling centre. We got to see heaps of neat stuff, and even sort out some recycling ourselves. Here are some photos:

These are hundreds of aluminium cans crushed up into blocks. We saw them crush one.

Before they are crushed, a special magnet picks out any tin cans that have been mixed in with the aluminuium ones.

Cans going into the crusher.

This huge truck arrived and dumped all its cardboard for recycling!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Room 9 enjoying Golden Time

Kadin and Hari played on the computer.

Some people went outside and skipped in the sunshine.

Tyreece chose to play on a mini laptop. Hi Tyreece!

Tai helped Duncan with his laptop.

Laptops are a popular choice - here are Kelan and Matthew.

Sheldon and Elyse are making fresh orange juice! Sara is helping by holding the jug.

Sara uses her muscles to get every last drop!!

Yummy!!! Elyse enjoyed her juice :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rippa Rugby

We had an awesome time at rippa rugby today. A big thank you to Jarrod, Jono and Tipi for taking all of the rippa sessions!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Term 2

Welcome to Term 2! We have got off to a great start. This term we are learning about space and the planets as part of our topic "Reach for the Stars, A Journey into Space". We are also going to learn about Matariki as part of this topic.

Yesterday we were really lucky to have the Duffy Book Show come to our school. It was really funny and entertaining - we love being a Duffy School! The show was about how some libraries are getting shut down because not enough people go. So we are going to go to the Masterton Public Library for a visit tomorrow. Duffy books also gave us some reward cards for the Library. If you visit 5 times and get a stamp on your card each visit you will get a FREE book! We will all get our first stamps tomorrow.

Have a great week!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Healthy Lunch!

On Thursday Room 9 made healthy wraps and sandwiches in class. We all paid $2 and Miss Chapman bought all the food - meats, salads, eggs, cheese, bread, rolls, wraps - even pickled onions and sun dried tomato hummus! We all helped to cut up and prepare the ingredients. Then we all lined up and made our lunch. It was so yummy! Even Mr H came along and made a sandwich too!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Wow we are now into the second half of term 1. Room 9 has started some new topics. For maths we are learning about addition and subtraction, and for our topic is called Healthy Inside Out. It is all about being healthy by eating the right things, exercising and keeping ourselves clean. We will be doing lots of neat activities in this unit. Swimming is not finished until term 4 but we are doing daily fitness drills with small balls, and weekly games like longball, tee ball, cricket and patter tennis.

Finally, a big thanks to the Room 9 parent helpers at the gala on Friday. It was great to see so many of you and we couldn't have done it without you. Have a great week :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Swimming Sports

We had a great time showing off our swimming skills on Thursday!
Here are some pictures of Room 9 and the rest of the Junior Middles in action!

On Friday we had a mufti day where we dressed in red and black to raise money for the Christchurch Earthquake. Here is a photo of us:

Here are some photos of us enjoying Golden Time today:

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 4

Week 4 or Term 1 has been one none of us will ever forget. Room 9 has been shocked and saddened by the tragedy in Christchurch. Going about our usual routines seems somewhat trivial in the midst of such a disaster. It is important that we talk about these events as much as possible, and think of ways that we can help. Whilst we continue to learn and have fun at school, we remember the thousands of children in Christchurch whose lives have been turned upside down, and who may not be at school for some time. It was heart-warming to hear that Rathkeale College is taking in a number of students from Christs College for several weeks so that they do not miss out on so much school. Our school is certainly considering what we can do to help also.

The earthquake should also serve as a wake-up call to us - we also live in an area where earthquakes are common. Are you and your whanau prepared should one happen? I encourage you to check out - it has all the information you need to get prepared.

On a brighter note, it was great to meet some parents at our 'open classroom' afternoon. If you were unable to make it, please know you are welcome to drop in anytime. In week 5 we are looking forward to swimming sports - the Junior Middles have been practising hard over the last few weeks and I'm sure all the effort will pay off on the pool. Swimming sports are on Thursday at 11am - we would love to see you there!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2011 is well underway!

Wow, we have been so busy learning and having fun that we have forgotten to update our blog!
So, welcome to Room 9's blog for 2011. We are a Year 3/4 class with 9 girls and 15 boys.

So far this year we have been focusing on 'Working and Learning Together'.

We made 'Co-operative Kids' - to create them we had to work in co-operative groups. Everyone had a different role like 'Hair Stylist' or 'Colour Co-oridantor'. We brainstormed together but then each member made the final decisions for their job. We sketched in our ideas, then went to the art room to paint them. Finally, we used a vivid to go over the outlines, cut them out and made a name label for them. Miss Chapman put them up on the wall as a reminder of how we worked as a team.

Here are some photos of us working together to create the kids:

Here is the final result!

A reminder that on Thursday there will be an 'open classroom'. This is an oppourtunity for parents and whanau to see for themselves what we are learning about in class. Our self-portraits are a must-see!

Have a great week!