Thursday, October 27, 2011

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4! It is going to be a shorter term than usual, so will be be busy trying to fit in all our learning and fun! Today the Junior Middles went to watch some of the Battle of the Bands. It was really cool to see some of the other schools perform, but of course the Lakeview band Social Network were AMAZING! Congrats from Room 9 to all those involved in the band and a big pat on the back for Pip for organising the WHOLE event.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trip to the Recycling Centre

As part of our topic "Why waste: Is that rubbish?" the Junior Middles visited the Masterton Recycling centre. We got to see heaps of neat stuff, and even sort out some recycling ourselves. Here are some photos:

These are hundreds of aluminium cans crushed up into blocks. We saw them crush one.

Before they are crushed, a special magnet picks out any tin cans that have been mixed in with the aluminuium ones.

Cans going into the crusher.

This huge truck arrived and dumped all its cardboard for recycling!