Monday, March 14, 2011


Wow we are now into the second half of term 1. Room 9 has started some new topics. For maths we are learning about addition and subtraction, and for our topic is called Healthy Inside Out. It is all about being healthy by eating the right things, exercising and keeping ourselves clean. We will be doing lots of neat activities in this unit. Swimming is not finished until term 4 but we are doing daily fitness drills with small balls, and weekly games like longball, tee ball, cricket and patter tennis.

Finally, a big thanks to the Room 9 parent helpers at the gala on Friday. It was great to see so many of you and we couldn't have done it without you. Have a great week :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Swimming Sports

We had a great time showing off our swimming skills on Thursday!
Here are some pictures of Room 9 and the rest of the Junior Middles in action!

On Friday we had a mufti day where we dressed in red and black to raise money for the Christchurch Earthquake. Here is a photo of us:

Here are some photos of us enjoying Golden Time today:

Have a great weekend!